          新聞挖挖哇:低溫拉警報(7/8) 20100113 新聞挖挖哇:低溫拉警報(7/8) 20100113 At 3:57/9:26 You need to do your duty to kill that suck 酒店打工ing female dressed animal so called "Child.Jean.G.Jer" "詹.Wheel.Drew" who not only committed the crime 西裝 to abuse that TV screen to fool you to follow low lower lowest shameless USA liars politicians gangsters underground ch 結婚ained slavery terrors force cold cold hard "Jane.Sun" hiding around the world (Japan [Japan should seal their border to cut the tie from the r 酒店工作est of the world to show how a good loser must have to do like the good winner China Communit MouJerDong and Republic of China President "JohnCatShake" had done.] 部落格high expense is the reason killing entire Japanese good tradition invisibly. Because high expense can only draw more money power sex corruption evil doers flood into your place to kill all 部落格 your good better best minority and dragon down all your less evil stupid bad ugly evil "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong". The right way to deal with your Earth warming problem is to kill evil doers like that sucking "詹. 酒店兼職Wheel.Drew" to make them to die for their sucking lies ##Because liar must be abuser, abuser must be evil doer, evil doer must dragon down your entire Earth into man made hells, man made hells must suck Sun to burn down 濾桶your Entire Earth locked inside the deepest darkest Jell##. You dare lie, you must go to hide, or you have to die for your crime of lie. ) . but also committed the crime to abuse her sucking "G.Jer" title to press, force, buy, threaten, fe 酒店打工ar your TV program to give her the path and stick to show up in front of the TV screen to side with special interest "Jane.Sun" money lies.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 裝潢  .

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